Does this sound like you?

- You wake up feeling like a stranger in your own life, going through the motions but never truly feeling *alive*.

- You’ve lost touch with who you *really* are because you’re constantly putting everyone else’s needs first.

- You’re exhausted from trying to meet everyone’s expectations—wife, mother, professional—but no one sees the real *you*.

If you’ve been yearning to reconnect with yourself and reclaim your voice, I see you.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’ve disappeared behind the roles you’re playing. Like your desires and dreams have been swallowed up by the expectations of being a “good” wife or partner. But here’s the truth: Your identity is not defined by the roles you play or the expectations others place on you.

That’s why I created the Rediscover Yourself: Identity Mini Workbook. It’s a step-by-step guide to help you peel back the layers and rediscover who you truly are—on your own terms.

“I Have Been There, Too…”

A few years ago, I found myself in the same place you might be in now—feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, and utterly lost in my own life. I was doing everything for everyone else but had completely lost sight of who I was.

Then one day, I looked in the mirror and asked, “Who am I without all these labels, shoulds, have-tos and need to's? What do I want?” And the answer scared me: I didn’t know.

That question became the turning point for me. I decided that I had to find out who I really was beyond the roles I played for others, what I really wanted. So I went to work! To be honest, that was when I was single and dating. I grew and learned a lot.

Fast forward, I am now married and had to face that it wasn't all cleared up and dealt with as I thought when I single and dating. Nope. There were new sneaky beliefs that I had stored away that was activated when I got married. Slowly, I lost myself, little by little because of these beliefs.

When I came to the realization that I had lost myself in my relationship, I knew that I had the tools to face this again.
I began to peel back the layers and reconnect with my true self. This new Identity in this stage of my life: Marriage, being 50-ish, entrepreneur, freaking menopausal, and late diagnosed ADHD. This has been the most empowering journey I’ve ever been on.

I created this workbook to help other women like you start this journey—without having to figure it out alone. You deserve to feel confident, joyful, and aligned with who you truly are.

What You’ll Gain from the Rediscover Yourself Workbook:

This isn’t just a collection of journaling prompts or surface-level affirmations. The Rediscover Yourself: Identity Mini Workbook will guide you through:

- Recognizing the Labels That No Longer Serve You:

  Break free from the expectations and identities that have been holding you back.

- Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self: 

  Rediscover the passions, desires, and values that light you up.

- Creating a Vision for Your True Self: 

  Map out how you want to show up in your life—confidently and unapologetically.

- Taking Practical, Empowering Steps: 

  Get actionable guidance on how to start living in alignment with your authentic self today.

Imagine This:

Before using the workbook, you might feel:

- Disconnected from your own wants and desires.

- Overwhelmed by the expectations of being a “perfect” partner.

- Afraid to even ask yourself, “Who am I, really?”

After working through the Rediscover Yourself Workbook, you’ll feel:

- More clear and confident about who you are beyond your roles.

- Empowered to set boundaries that honor your true self.

- Excited to explore your passions and express yourself authentically.

This workbook is a small, gentle step towards huge transformations.

Why This Workbook Will Make a Difference:

Unlike other resources that only scratch the surface, this workbook goes deeper to help you understand the *why* behind your disconnection. It guides you step-by-step through a process of introspection, value alignment, and vision creation—so you don’t just learn about who you are; you start *living* as the woman you’ve always been.

Here’s the Catch:

This workbook won’t be at this low price forever. Right now, I’m offering it as an easily accessible and affordable guide to help as many women as possible, but soon it will become part of a paid bundle.

Don’t wait. Download your copy now, and start your journey back to you.


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For the price of a coffee,
you can change you and your life forever!

Hi, I'm Angi!

I lived my life trying to fit into everyone else's boxes (parents, "friends", partners, media, the world and its patriarchal slant, religion... just to name a few.) It was exhausting, demeaning and made me really good at gaslighting, judging and dismissing all the things that made me, me.
At little bit before I turned 40, when my life turned upside down and inside out, I went on a self discovery journey that turned into a self healing journey. I lovingly call that my "Confidence Era".
Now, I am married, going through perimenopause, dealing with ADHD late in life and running a business. That can really mess with your confidence because now it can shift the way you define who you are in the world and see yourself. Amidst dealing with all those things, it can activate all the crap I thought that dealt with. WRONG! Now I have to tools that I learned from the first Confidence Era plus all the goodies I have picked up along the way as a Life and Confidence Coach. Thus... Confidence Era 2.0: Marriage Edition.

I am a product of what I teach! This mini workbook is what I wish I had at the beginning of my marriage, hell, I wish I had this when I was dating.