Manifesting with the Moon

Manifesting with the moon is as simple as following and moving through the cycles of the moon. Each phase guides our attention and intentions through each level or "next step" in putting in the action behind the spark of creative thought (idea).
In this day and age, filled with distrantions and demands, it can be hard to stay on track and show up for ourselves and our dreams.

If you struggle with doing just that... showing up for yourself and your dreams, procrastination, distractions and putting your dreams and intentions on the back burner...

then this IS FOR YOU!!!

Reconnecting to YOU...

Today, more than ever, it is needed to reconnect and remember YOU... before the world told you WHO you should be, HOW you should be and WHAT you should want.

Remember what's important to you, take a beat, a pause and get reaquanted with yourself. The Moon is perfect for that.

She is a mirror of our phases as women and as just plain humans. Working with the moon allows you to be more present and in tune with yourself, your emotional and energy phases. She gives you the space to reflect, release and renew.

New Moon

This circle is FREE to attend.

During this Circle, you'll set your intention for the next month. Reflect on what you must release to make space for your intention to manifest and you'll journal, envision and connect to your intention.

Quarter Moons

1st and 3rd Quarter Moons, as well as the Full and Dark Moon are part of the Unleashed Creatrix Collective.
1st Quarter Moon is all about bringing your intention into action and refining it.

The 3rd Quarter is about analyzing, learning and letting go of what isn't serving you.

Full Moon and Dark Moon

Full Moon is all about playing full out and celebrating that you're showin up for yourself!

Dark Moon is all about resting. This is where working with the moon is different than any other "productivity" and manifesting path out there. Instead of go, go, go, you allow yourself to recharge, rejuvenate and rest, which is so vital for sustainability and frankly our sanity!

Example Curriculum

  Power of Working with the Moon
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

May Dates

May 7 - New Moon (FREE)
May 15 - 1st Quarter Moon
May 23 - Full Moon
May 30 - 3rd Quarter Moon

June Dates

6 - Dark Moon

8 - New Moon (FREE)

13 - 1st Quarter Moon

21 - Full Moon

28 - 3rd Quarter

Example Title

5 - Dark Moon

7 - New Moon (FREE)

13 - 1st Quarter Moon

21 - Full Moon

27 - 3rd Quarter Moon

Let me count the ways...

Oh my goodness!!! Let me count the ways that this method has helped me!

I am more present, less critical and less reactive. I am not a huge by-the-book planner (although I tried to be most of my life). I'm more like one of those creative and neuro-spicy peeps, where rigid structure powered by will power and defined "lines" gives me anxiety and self loathing. (Relate much?)

Working with the moon is a fluid and organic type of structure, giving me a tangible milestones (the moon phases) to guide me to work within my flow.

I'm calmer and more at ease because I'm not relying on my brain to remember or try and do it like anyone else.